About Carlton Cullins
Born in Louisiana. Raised in Texas. Parents were both educators with a wide range of interests. Raised to treat others with respect, to live an honest life, work hard and be thankful for what I have. I grew up with a lot good friends, played music, played sports and enjoyed the outdoors. Moved to Austin after college and played in bands for a decade. Eventually I found my way to health & fitness by way of personal training. Started my own company in 2008. Married the love of my life a few years later. Adopted a cat and a dog. I continue to work as a personal trainer focusing my energy of the message of self-care. My story is much deeper than this but hopefully you get the picture. My goal has always been to leave the world better than how I found it. I hope you will too.
Entries by Carlton Cullins
Everyday i feel i become more and more, the anti-trainer. Not because i hate exercise and fitness, but because i dislike how it all gets portrayed. Health should never be trendy. Neither should a lack thereof. It’s all or nothing for most people. One day i hope to see more balance, somewhere in the middle.
/0 Comments/by Carlton CullinsNew Weekly Tipz Video…it bothers me that there exists this huge divide between people that exercise and people that don’t. it seems to be all or nothing. surely there is some middle ground. surely people can learn to take better care of themselves without letting it rule their lives. exercise is for everyone, not just the jocks from high school.
Carlton’s Fitness/Health/Nutrition Complete List of Books & Videos that i own and recommend…
BOOKS: 175 Tips to Improve Your Training & Quality of Life by Charles Poliquin 5/3/1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System for Raw Strength (2nd Edition) by Jim Wendler 8 Weeks to Optimium Health by Andrew Weil MD 91-Day Wonder Body by Frank Zane Aaron Mattes’ Active Isolated Stretching by Aaron L. Mattes, Judy […]
New Blue Sky Strongbox Weekly Tipz Vid…this week i talk briefly about Thanksgiving/Ceremonial eating, things that i like about Weight Watchers, asking for a Heart Rate Monitor for Xmas and utilizing what’s called “Active Rest”…which simply means that you DON’T rest between exercises, instead you do another exercise…, stretch, core work, etc to make the most of your workout time. Check it out, or not :)
“Correct exercise is a concept dedicated to the elimination of exercises that are not good choices to meet the goals of both performance and durability.” – Gray Cook
Pearls of Wisdom From Gray Cook by Patrick on April 21, 2010 “This weekend I attended the Perform Better Clinic here in Phoenix, Arizona. All of the speakers were excellent. Gray Cook was a real treat. I have seen Gray speak numerous time…s at various clinics over the past few years. However, this was […]
Acesulfame K
Acesulfame K http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-sweeteners.html Acesulfame Potassium (K) was approved for use by the FDA as a safe artificial sweetener in July, l988. It is a derivative of acetoacetic acid. Unfortunately, several potential problems associated with the use of acesulfame have been raised. They are based largely on animal studies since testing on humans remains limited. The […]
What is the difference between artificial and natural flavors? Gary Reineccius, a professor in the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota, explains.
What is the difference between artificial and natural flavors? July 29, 2002 Gary Reineccius, a professor in the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota, explains. Natural and artificial flavors are defined for the consumer in the Code of Federal Regulations. A key line from this definition is the following: “� […]
Current Proposal of Austin Park Fees, to be paid by profiting Fitness Community using Austin Parks
November 2010 Pay to Play: City and local fitness community wrangle over park use fee by Kelsey Menzel, Editorial Assistant Few who visit Austin in the fall—or any season for that matter—are likely to overlook the vibrant fitness culture our residents enjoy. Unlike almost any other city in the country, health and fitness is literally […]
A few rules to live by… – Carlton Cullins
things i try to live by – Carlton Cullins 2008 1. Don’t sweat the small sh*t. Being overly sensitive to too many things is not good for survival. 2. Find humor in EVERYTHING, particularly the small things. Laugh everyday. Then when that’s done, do it again. 3. In life, try to find some kind of […]
Some Infos
Carlton Cullins
Austin, Texas
Office Hours (appointments only)
Monday-Thursday : 7:00am -6:00pm