Winter 2012/2013

Mike Boyle on PlyoBox Jumping, “If you have either one, please put them away. In fact, unless you are training some great athletes, put your 30 inch box away too. I have dubbed the big plyo boxes “Idiot Boxes”. Idiot boxes are jumped on by young men ( it is always young men) looking to show off. I have begun to refer to them as “skin donors”. I can tell you something for sure. If CSI showed up and dusted the high plyo boxes for DNA most of these boxes would test positive. There was a time when my athletes and I were foolish just like everyone else and did these foolish exercises. After coaching  a few “skin donors” I realized that what mattered was the movement of the center of mass, not the height of the box. I no longer own a 36” box but, own lots of 18’s, 24’s and a few 30’s. Our rule is simple. Jimmy Radcliffe said it best; “jump and land from the same position”. This means that take off and landing should look identical. If you jump from a ½ squat, land in a half squat. I could post a few videos but, don’t want to get sued. Just Youtube “box jumps” if you want to see foolishness in action.

Remember, jump and land from the same position.”

*I’ve also heard Mike Boyle state that landing in a less-than-half-squat is too low…also meaning that the jump is probably too high. Try to land in a slightly higher than half squat, also known as the athletic position.

* I’ve also always liked the quote, “If you can’t jump up to it, you shouldn’t be jumping down from it.” (referring to drop-jumps)

Summer 2012

“In short, “appropriate” volume is 100% specific to the lifter’s experience, age, gender, training goals, fatigue status, injury history, competing demands, and a host of other factors that I didn’t even cover!

That said, when it really comes down to it, it’s just something you learn in time by observing, writing, and trying out hundreds/thousands of programs. It’s like a sixth sense for me by now.

I will, however, make one observation that never seeks to amaze me:

I’m always surprised at how much volume it takes to attain a level of fitness, but how little volume it takes to maintain that level of fitness.” – Eric Cressey

– Jason Ferrugia, “The best muscle-building workout split for most people is no split at all. Full body workoutsare the premier and logical choice for at least 75% of people seeking the fastest gains in size and strength. How to Design a Full Body Workout Properly?Simply take three big compound exercises such as any on this list and you’re all set. Pick an upper body push, an upper body pull and a compound lower body exercise. Stick with an average of about five or six sets of 3-6 reps with a minute or so rest between sets. Some exercises can be done for slightly higher reps but not the big barbell lifts. Anything that requires maximal tension or has a risk factor involved shouldn’t be done for more than six reps. To kick of the workout you should start with some jumps or medicine ball throws to fire up the CNS. Those should be done for 1-3 reps on average. You could also conclude the workout with some sled pushing or loaded carries. Just get about ten minutes of hard work in and keep each set under twenty seconds in duration. Eventually, when you have been training for a few years and have made some serious progress you can start to break up your workouts into upper body focused and lower body focused days, if you’d like to. you’re going to split it up into two separate days I’d recommend training 4-6 days per week. Six 30-minute workouts per week on an upper/lower split is a favorite set up of mine. In that case you’d put throws, chins, rows, presses and dips on the upper body focused days and jumps, squats, deadlifts, cleans, high pulls, ab work and sled work on the lower body focused days. Snatches and loaded carries could really go on either day. That’s not to say you have to split it up, though. Olympic lifters and gymnasts never do. Nor did many of the old timers. A lot of big time football strength and conditioning programs are always based on full body workouts. Bill Starr’s system comes immediately to mind. I’d only recommend splitting things up if joint stress or recovery becomes an issue or you decide to start training more than 3-4 days per week. Remember- big exercises produce big results.”

1) Snatch This exercise will build up your traps and strengthen your shoulders. In fact, doing snatches regularly will keep your shoulders quite healthy since they train external rotation more effectively than just about anything else. Snatches are also outstanding for firing up your CNS as the first exercise in your workout. And if you want a big vertical jump this is the exercise to get you there.2) High Pulls No other body part looks cooler or commands respect like big traps do. High pulls build big traps. They also pack muscle on your entire upper back and strengthen your lower back, glutes and hamstrings. The nice thing about the high pull is that it’s basically a clean without the complexity or wrist and elbow stress of the catch phase.3) Overhead Press These can be done with a regular bar, a fat bar, a log,  The Renegade bar(use the coupon code JasonF for a 5% discount), dumbbells or kettlebells. But they must be done; both to build big strong shoulders and to keep them healthy. Too much horizontal pressing and not enough overhead work will lead to beat up shoulders. Trust me, you don’t want that.4) Squat Wanna pack size on your legs? Then get your ass under a bar and squat. Back squats, front squats, safety bar squats… they’re all good options. If you have lower back issues look into belt squats. Just do some type of squatting.5) Deadlift Bend over and pick up heavy shit. It’s the most basic fundamental principle of weight training. Which would then make the deadlift the premier weight training exercise. If you have a trap bar and fully comprehend the concept of submaximal training that’s the preferred deadlift variation. If not pull a straight bar, set on rubber mats, from the lowest position you can maintain a neutral spine from. Of the floor if you can get that low without rounding.6) 1 Arm Dumbbell Row Do this with enough weight and you’ll build big lats. End of story. A chest supported dumbbell row is a great variation, especially for those with lower back injuries.7) Flat or 15-30 Degree Incline Press Like the military press, these can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. A Swiss bar, football bar or The Renegade Bar would be the preferred option in place of a straight bar. Those will be much safer and keep your shoulders healthy. If you choose to press on an incline don’t go any higher than thirty degrees as that takes the tension off the chest and starts to irritate the shoulders.8) Farmers Walk Carrying something heavy is a required part of any muscle building workout. Farmers walks are the best grip exercise you can do. They also pack size on the traps and entire posterior chain. Stability in the ankle and knee is greatly improved from this exercise as well. And if you ever want to take a picture of yourself while training this one makes you look coolest.9) Kettlebell Swing Most people just started hearing about swings in the last decade. But Arthur Saxon was doing them back in 1906. They were even part of lifting competitions back then. That makes them okay in my book. Swings are not only great for conditioning but also for improving posterior chain strength and explosivenesswhile helping to actively lengthen tight hamstrings.10) Sled Dragging/ Pushing. So it’s not a traditional barbell or dumbbell exercise.  The fact is you’re using weights when you use a sled. Not only that but sled work can build leg size and strength like a mofo, while simultaneously improving your conditioning. I consider it an essential part of any training program.

– The best Whey Protein might be ONE WORLD WHEY. But of course, it ain’t cheap. (

-“The Meathead’s Guide to Publishing for Profit” by Dave Tate and Rob Fitzgerald. Recommended by Cosgrove, etc.

– Remember, submaximal training is what leads to maximal results.

– A Recommended article by Mike Boyle on the 10 Years/10,000 Hour Study Theory, from 1993 by Swedish psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, that basically concluded that many top level musicians, athletes, etc reached “expert” levels at or around 10 years or 10,000 hours. But the message has been misinterpreted in the area of kids playing sports, starting at a young age. (

– Jason Ferrugia, “I don’t use straight bar deadlifts from the floor with athletes.” “I’d recommend pulling from rubber blocks or mats set somewhere around mid shin height. The other option is the high handle trap bar deadlift. In both cases submaximal weights should be used and the bar should be dropped to eliminate the eccentric component.” on the Bench Press…”If they get tested on it then you have to train them on it. But I would minimize the damage by spending most of the off season working with fat bars with neutral or angled grip handles like the ones we have at Renegade. Even mix in some two board presses. Then switch them over to straight bars and full range as camp gets closer. If you don’t have to worry about testing then go with an overhead press, some type of heavy, one-arm horizontal dumbbell press, a standing landmine press and ring dips and pushup variations for heavy pressing work.So, yes, all athletes need to do some variation of “the big three.”They need to push, pull and squat.That could be a pistol squat, a power snatch and a handstand pushup or it could be a back squat, high pull and fat bar 2-board press.Nothing is written in stone, nor should it be.”

“Chasing the pump and disregarding all of the principles of effective training is one of the biggest mistakes you can make and will do nothing to help you build lean muscle.You can get a great pump from doing 50 pushups but everyone knows that’s not going to build muscle. Just mindlessly pursuing a pump will get you nowhere and may even cause losses in size and strength.You need to get a pump with fairly heavy weights. That’s the key.

Getting a pump feels fantastic. It’s as satisfying to me as cumming is.”- Arnold

For example, for your chest you could do some heavy pressing for 3-6 reps and then finish with a few higher rep sets of 8-10 on ring dips to get a great pump. If you do this you hit a variety of muscle fibers and get the best of both worlds.I love that style of training.So does Arnold, as he tweeted me earlier today:

@JasonFerruggia: my #1 rule is there is no #1 rule. Sandow used high reps, Alexiev used low reps; I used both. But I still do like the pump.”– @Shwarzenegger

Another option is to keep your reps in the 3-8 range throughout your workout but cut your rest periods down. I’m a big fan of multiple low rep sets with 30-45 second rest periods for building size, strength and conditioning simultaneously. Both are great options. Remember, it isn’t 100% necessary and should never be the main focus of your workouts (heavy training should) but getting a good pump tells you that you’re ready to build muscle and may even maximize your potential to do so.”

Enter Chad Waterbury (T-Nation post from Charles Staley)

I’ve known and respected Chad Waterbury for years and asked him if he’d help my with “last minute” peaking strategies. Chad looked at my training journal and told me that in his discussions with people like Franco Columbo and Pavel Tsatsouline, he’d developed a strong affection for a “Medium – Heavy – Medium – Maximum” type of progression.

Medium days were 3 x 3, heavy days were 3 x 2, and maximum days were mock competitions essentially, a chance to evaluate your progress. In terms of progression, each type of workout, when repeated, should be done with slightly more weight.

June 2012

  • Think about SQUATTING once a week, and DEADLIFTING on my other two training days. TRAP BAR DL on day 1 (after the most days off), SQUAT or LUNGE on day 2, SL DL on day 3. Vary the intensity from day to day AND week to week. Listen to the body first before “sticking” to the well-made plans. Maybe vary the Squatting with LUNGES, SPLIT SQUATS, FRONT or GOBLET SQUATS or SL SQUATS! Also consider SLED PULLS, SPRINTS and CARRIES and how i feel as far as recovery and total volume is concerned.
  • Each time i do PULL-UPZ, use a different grip, different rep range and intensity. Go heavy with external resistance or a harder variation, go for “endurance” (needed for complete pullup package) using rubber bands or feet up on the deck.
  • Instead of BB BENCH PRESSING “go with an overhead press, some type of heavy, one-arm horizontal dumbbell press, a standing landmine press and ring dips and pushup variations for heavy pressing work” – Jason Ferrugia
  • Be weary of CNS fatigue associated with too much GRIP WORK. Use straps or fat bars to lesson the load on elbows.
  • HiLL SPRiNTS on something other than concrete would be advisable. Start off slow and build faster. Read Jason Ferrugia’s article on proper running mechanics while hill sprinting. May be the ulimate fat-burner/muscle builder conditioner. Do at least ONCE A WEEK on an “off” day.
  • Keep up strength in BARBELL BENCHING by doing 2-3 heavy sets once every week or two. Focus more on other pressing, ex: dips, presses, pushups (Single Arm, Single Leg).
  • Don’t overwork SHOULDERS but do clean & presses, handstand pushups (or at least negatives), single arm Heavy KB Swings (55lb+). Maybe strength press Day 1, DIPS on Day 2, Handstandz on Day 3?
  • Heavy SA KB SWINGS on “Strongman”/Repeated Effort days.
  • Sled Pulls, Tire Flips and other heavy outdoor sh*t may be best for cooler months. I don’t think it’s safe in the hot months of Texas heat. Seriously.
  • More SQUATS! Whichever. Heavy.
  • Jason Ferrugia recommends staying at about 85% max most of the time vs. 90% +. Save that for “high energy” days. Dan John and Pavel seem to agree with this for the most part.
  • Keep total sets per workout to 12-16. Limit exercises per workout to 1-6. Mostly 2-3.
  • Focus on strength (and thus, Maximal strength days) with GETUPS, TRAP BAR DEADS, PULLUPZ, DIPZ, occational BB BENCH(or go with an overhead press, some type of heavy, one-arm horizontal dumbbell press, a standing landmine press and ring dips and pushup variations for heavy pressing work), SA/SL PUSHUP, DB ROWING, SQUATS, HANDSTAND PUSHUPS, DB CLEAN & JERK.
  • Been reading Arthur Saxon, George Hackenschmidt, The Mighty Atom Yoselle Joseph Greenstein, Dan John/Pavel Book, Ross Enamait, Jason Ferrugia. Friday workouts in Lockhart (7:30am ish -9am), History Study Work at UT Stark Center.
  • 3 days a week. Wed/Fri/Sun. TUE or WED=Strength Endurance/Strongman Work/Repeated Effort(include Heavy 1 arm swings). FRI=Maximal Effort(Slow Grinds). SUN=Speed Strength(Quick lifts, etc). Focus on FULL DIAPHRAM Breathing(use mom’s spirometer)!
  • 10 total GETUPS each at beginning of each “major” workout day. Ramp up as needed. Focus on good strong contact with the ground and stability of body.
  • Try to limit or focus on ONE heavy lift per workout. Keep the rest in the Medium-Lighter ranges.
  • KB Swings most every day. Roll the dice. Use as Finishers on Strength days
  • 10 reps total per workout for Major lifts. 15-25 on others. 50 and above on Swings, etc.
  • Wednesdays = Calf raises. All non strength days do Light Hack Squats.
  • NEW ideas for 3 Days a week (June 29 2012). Rotate movement patterns each week. DL/Horizontal Pull/Vertical Push…Squat/Verical Pull/Horizontal Push. Getups every day. Swings once a week. Carries once a week. Power Work once a week. FRIDAY (Heavy Days)- 45,55,70 (2-4 rounds of 70…88lb if i feel strong) Getups, Trap Bar DL’s with Fat Gripz (Drop bar fast on eccentrics), DB Rows>BB Hang Clean to Press or HandStand Pushup Negatives(no grip presses to save on grip-press next time)*45-55LB KB 1-arm swings as a “roll the dice” finisher.  SUNDAY (Lighter Days…may also be “power” days for lighter weights) 35,45,55lb (one round of 55lb) Getups, SL SQUAT(w Jumps on first few)>Handstand Iso-Holds, Pullups>DIPS>Calf Raises.KB Hack Squats. TUESDAY (Medium Days) 45,55,70lb (one round of 70lb) GETUPS, DB Clean to Press, SL DL, Ring Pull to Static “Row” hold-tuck. *Calves, Swings, Carries, Isometrics, Snatch, Hill Sprints, Plyos. on Workout days. Save days off for recovery (trampoline, light swings, etc) STAY FRESH my dear boy. If any such movement occurs less than the one before, terminate set immediately.
  • Off days=Summer Fun. Canoe, Trampoline, Swim, Bike outside. ADD ONS=Calf raises, Core Work, Grip Work
  • Limit eating out to 2 times a week. Eat more veggies each day. More high quality protein. Focus on getting vitamins & minerals though food! warm water with meals, not cold. Fast a bit when i feel stuffed.
  • Exercises – Heavy Getups (88lb or heavier). Trap Bar DL, Heavy 1-arm KB Swings on “Strongman Endurance Days”, Weighted Pullups, Weighted Dips, Heavy Bench or SA/SL negative Pushups/holds (don’t focus on Chest but maintain strength with intermittent reps here and there. i don’t want man boobs like most dudes. lol) Single Leg Squats. Hack Squats. (Focus more on legs). Step ups/Squats (KB or DB). BB Clean to Press. Dan John’s 2-arm KB Clean to Squat to Press. Heavy BB overhead presses or push presses (Hypertrophy Shoulder work). Bottoms up clean to press. Saxon Side Press. Saxon SA DB Ground Clean and Jerk.  Saxon SA DB Swing or Snatch, Tire Pulls & Pushes/Drags, Heavy Farmers Carries, Med Ball Interval Work (Throws and retrieve), Plyo-Jumps. “Head Bridges with Press” (Hackenschmidt), Ross Enamait Isometricz

*Add on gymnastic double and single leg DECK SQUATS (progress to jumps, jumps to box, long jumps, long jumps to box)


175 Tips to Improve Your Training & Quality of Life by Charles Poliquin

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ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant Manual: The Ultimate Resource for Fitness Professionals by American Council on Exercise

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by American College of Sports Medicine

ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer by American College of Sports Medicine

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A Short Guide to a Long Life Hardcover by David B. Agus M.D.

Ask Coach Poliquin, Parts 1 & 2 by Charles Poliquin

ATG for Life by Ben Patrick

Athletic Body in Balance by Gray Cook

Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports Conditioning by Vern Gambetta

Atlas of Anatomy by Anne Gilroy, Brian MacPherson, Lawrence Ross, and Michael Schuenke

Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill

Beast Tamer: How to Master the Ultimate Russian Kettlebell Strength Challenge by Andrew Read

Becoming a Supple Leopard (1st & 2nd Editions): The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance by Kelly Starrett and Glen Cordoza

Becoming Bulletproof by Tim Anderson

Becoming The Iceman by Wim Hof and Justin Rosales

Before We Go by Dan John

Behave: The Biology of Humans at our Best and Worst by Robert M. Sapolsky

Bending the Aging Curve: The Complete Exercise Guide for Older Adults by Joseph Signorile

Beyond 5/3/1: Simple Training for Extraordinary Results – Jim Wendler

Beyond BodyBuilding by Pavel Tsatsouline

Beyond Stretching: Russian Flexibility Breakthroughs by Pavel Tstatsouline

Bigger Faster Stronger – 2nd Edition by Greg Shepard

Bill Bowerman’s High-Performance Training for Track and Field (Third Edition) by Bill Bowerman & Bill Freeman

Biomarkers: The 10 Keys to Prolonging Vitality by William Evans

Body, Breath and Being: A New Guide to the Alexander Technique by Carolyn Nicholls

Body by Breath by Jill Miller

Body-Building & Self-Defense by Myles Callum

Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy by Bret Contreras

Boxing for Fitness: Safe and Fun Workouts to Get You Fighting Fit by Clinton McKenzie and Hilary Lissenden

Breathing, Movement, Exploration by Barbara Sellers-Young

Building the Body – Autographed November 2016 Commemorative Issue by Frank Zane

Building the Gymnastic Body: The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training by Christopher Sommer

Built for Show by Nate Green

Bullet-Proof Abs: 2nd Edition of Beyond Crunches by Pavel Tsatsouline, Andrea Du Cane, Robert Pearl and Derek Brigham

Burke’s Law: A New Fitness Paradigm for the Mature Male by Paul T. Burke

Can You Go? Assessments and Program Design for the Active Athlete and Everybody else… by Dan John

Captains of Crush Grippers: What They Are and How to Close Them by Randall J. Strossen, J.B. Kinney and Nathan Holle

Cardio Code (eBook) by Kenneth Jay

Cardio Strength Training: Torch Fat, Build Muscle, and Get Stronger Faster by Robert dos Remedios

Casa de Luz, Center for Integral Studies: Whole Food Plant Based Recipes by Casa De Luz

Challenge Yourself by Clarence Bass

Change Maker: Turn Your Passion for Health into a Powerful Purpose and a Wildly Successful Career by Dr. John Berardi

Charles Poliquin’s Modern Trends in Strength Training, 4th Edition by Charles Poliquin

Chek Marks Package, Vol. 1 and 2 by Paul Chek

Children and Sports Training: How your Future Champions Should Exercise to Be Healthy, Fit and Happy by Dr. Jozef Drabik

Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education by George Graham

Children’s Exercise Physiology by Thomas Rowland

Clubbell Training for Circular Strength: An Ancient Tool for the Modern Athlete by Scott Sonnon

Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to Over 230 Self-Defense and Combative Techniques by Darren Levine and John Whitman

Complete Science of Wrestling by George Hackenschmidt

Complete Tai-Chi by Master Alfred Huang

Complete Triathlon Guide by USA Triathlon

Conscious Breathing by Gay Hendricks Phd

Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness–Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength by Paul Wade

Core Performance Endurance: A New Training and Nutrition Program That Revolutionizes Your Workouts by Mark Verstegen

Core Performance Essentials: The Revolutionary Nutrition and Exercise Plan Adapted for Everyday Use by Mark Verstegen and Pete Williams

Cross-Training For Sports by Gary Moran, George McGlynn

Deadlift Dynamite: How to Master the King of All Strength Exercises (Deadlift Dynamite) by Pavel Tsatsouline

Defying Gravity: How to Win at Weightlifting by Bill Starr

Designing Resistance Training Programs by Steven Fleck and William Kraemer

Designing Strength Training Programs & Facilities (both 1st & 2nd editions) by Michael Boyle

Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes by Shirley Sahrmann PT PhD FAPTA

Dinosaur Training – Lost Secrets of Strength and Development by Brooks Kubik

Dynamic Aging: Simple Exercises for Better Whole-body Mobility by Katy Bowman and Joan Virginia Allen

Easy Strength by Dan John and Pavel Tsatsouline

Easy Strength Omnibook (eBook/PDF) by Dan John

Eat Right for Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia by Peter J. D’Adamo

Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Encyclopedia of Physical Culture (Vol I-V; 1920 Edition) by Bernarr MacFadden

Endurance by Mark Twight/NonProphet

Enter The Kettlebell! Strength Secret of The Soviet Supermen by Pavel Tsatsouline

Essential Stretches (You’ll Actually Use) by John Gifford

Every Day Is Game Day: The Proven System of Elite Performance to Win All Day, Every Day by Mark Verstegen and Peter Williams

Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and Its Applications (Feb 1984)
by George A. Brooks and Thomas D. Fahey

Exercise Testing And Program Design: A Fitness Professional’s Handbook by Cedric X. Bryant, Barry A. Franklin, and Jason M. Conviser

Exercising Through Your Pregnancy by James F. Clapp

Extreme Alpinism: Climbing Light, Fast, and High by Mark F. Twight

Fabulously Fit Forever by Frank Zane

Facts & Fallacies of Fitness by Mel C. Siff

Fight Night! The Thinking Fan’s Guide to Mixed Martial Arts by Lito Angeles

Fit by Lon Kilgore

Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose by Drew Manning

Fitness Professionals’ Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement by Lawrence A. Golding and Scott M. Golding

Fit to Fight: An Insanely Effective Strength and Conditioning Program for the Ultimate MMAWarrior by Jason Ferruggia

Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by Michael Pollan

Free+Style: Maximize Sport and Life Performance with Four Basic Movements by Carl Paoli, Anthony Sherbondy and Kelly Starrett

Full-Body Flexibility by Jay Blahnik

Functional Foods, Part 1 & 2 by Nutrition Dimension

Functional Movement Screen and Corrective Techniques (5) POSTER SET by Gray Cook

Functional Training by Juan Carlos Santana

Functional Training Anatomy by Kevin Carr & Mary Kate Feit

Functional Training for Sports by Michael Boyle

Get on the Ball: Develop a Strong, Lean and Toned Body with an Exercise Ball by Lisa Westlake

Getting Stronger: Weight Training for Sports by Bill Pearl

Golf Digest September 2011 Single Issue Magazine by Golf Digest (Gray Cook article on Golf Movement Screening, etc)

Health Fitness Instructor’s Handbook by Edward T. Howley and B. Don Franks/NCSF

Heavyhands: The Ultimate Exercise by Leonard Schwartz

High Def Body by Frank Zane

High Frequency Training (HFT)-The Fastest Solution to Slow Muscle Growth by Chad Waterbury

High-Performance Sports Conditioning by Bill Foran

HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification) 2017 Instructor Manual

How Not to Die by Dr . Michael Greger

How Not To Die Cookbook by Dr . Michael Greger

How Not to Diet by Dr . Michael Greger

How the Body Works by Dr. Peter Abrahams

How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! by Paul Chek

Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy by Kay W. Sieg, Sandra P. Adams and Anna Deane Scott

Infinite Intensity: The Ultimate Low-Tech / High-Effect Program for Maximum Speed, Endurance, and Strength by Ross Enamait

In Fitness and in Health by Philip B Maffetone

Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete & Trainer by Dan John

Jim Stoppani’s Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength-2nd Edition by Jim Stopanni

Jumping into Plyometrics: 100 Exercises For Power & Strength by Donald A. Chu

Jump Rope Training by Buddy Lee

Keys to the Inner Universe by Bill Pearl

Kettlebell Muscle: The Secrets of Compound Kettlebell Lifting by Geoff Neupert

Kettlebell Rx: The Complete Guide for Athletes and Coaches (eBook and hardcopy book) by Jeff Martone

Kettlebell Simple & Sinister by Pavel Psatsouline

Kinesiology of Exercise by Michael Yessis

Kiss or Kill: Confessions of a Serial Climber by Mark Twight

Lean & Lovely eBook(s) by Neghar Fonooni

Legends of the Iron Game – Slipcase Set, Perfect Bound Edition One (3-Volume Set) by Bill Pearl, George Coates, Tuesday Coates and Richard Thornley Jr.

Let’s Grow by Frank Zane

Life is Movement: The Physical Reconstruction and Regeneration of the People (A Diseaseless World) by Eugen Sandow

Lifestyle Fitness Coaching by James Gavin

Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity by Jack LaLanne

LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout by LL Cool J

Low Back Disorders, Second Edition by Stuart McGill

Manual of Structural Kinesiology by Clem W. Thompson

Mass Made Simple: A Six-Week Journey to Bulking by Dan John

Mastery of Hand Strength by John Brookfield

Maximum Functional Mass by Bud Jeffries

Maximum Strength: Get Your Strongest Body in 16 Weeks with the Ultimate Weight-Training Program by M.A. Eric Cressey

Mean Ol’ Mr. Gravity: Conversations On Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe

Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training by Chad Waterbury

Men’s Health Muscle Chow: More Than 150 Meals to Feed Your Muscles and Fuel Your Workouts by Gregg Avedon

Men’s Health Natural Bodybuilding Bible: A Complete 24-Week Program For Sculpting Muscles That Show by Tyler English

Men’s Health Power Training: Build Bigger, Stronger Muscles with through Performance-based Conditioning by Robert dos Remedios

Men’s Health: The Book of Muscle : The World’s Most Authoritative Guide to Building Your Body by Ian King and Lou Schuler

Michael Boyle’s Functional Coaching Reader: The Files by Michael Boyle

Mighty Men Of Old: (Original Version, Restored) by Bob Hoffman

Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change (2nd Edition) by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick

Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement Expanded Edition by Katy Bowman

Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies by Gray Cook, Lee Burton, Kyle Kiesel, and Greg Rose

Movement That Matters by Paul Chek

Movement Matters: Essays on Movement Science, Movement Ecology, and the Nature of Movement by Katy Bowman

Muscle Logic : Escalating Density Training by Charles Staley

Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain: Includes a Bonus Primal Anatomy CD-ROM by Florence Peterson Kendall

Muscletown USA: Bob Hoffman and the Manly Culture of York Barbell by John D. Fair

Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook by Nancy Clark

Natural Bodybuilding by John Hansen

Natural Health, Natural Medicine: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Self-Care for Optimum Health by Andrew Weil

Never Gymless : An Excuse-free System for Total Fitness by Ross Enamait

Never Let Go: A Philosophy of Lifting, Living and Learning by Dan John

NEW Functional Training for Sports by Michael Boyle (2016)

New York City Ballet Workout by Peter Martins and Howard Kaplan

Now What? by Dan John

Knee Ability Zero by Ben Patrick

NSCA’s Guide to Program Design (Science of Strength and Conditioning)
by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association

Nutrition for Professionals by Jane A Pentz

Optimum Performance Training for the Health and Fitness Professional by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Michael A. Clark, Scott Lucett, Rodney Corn

Original Strength by Tim Anderson and Geoff Neupert

Original Strength Restoration: Returning to the Original You by Tim Anderson

Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity by Peter Attia MD

Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength by

Steven Low and Valentin Uzunov

Paleo Workouts For Dummies by Patrick Flynn and Kellyann Petrucci

Path to Athletic Power: The Model Conditioning Program for Championship Performance by Boyd Epley

Periodization Training for Sports by Tudor Bompa

Poison, Sermons on Suffering + The Workouts (book/”zine”)+ Rejects (book/”zine”) by Mark Twight/NonProphet

Poliquin Principles by Charles Poliquin

Power Conditioning Handbook by Robb Rogers

Power Speed ENDURANCE: A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training by Brian MacKenzie

Power to the People Professional – Pavel Tsatsouline

Power to the People! : Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American by Pavel Tsatsouline

Practical Nutrition for Fitness Professionals by Nutrition Dimension

Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore

Primal Endurance by Mark Sisson & Brad Kearns

Principles and Practice of Resistance Training by Michael H. Stone, Meg Stone and William A. Sands

Progressive Resistance Exercise by Dr. Thomas DeLorme and Arthur Watkins MD

Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding by Charles Gaines and George Butler

Pushing the Limits! Total Body Strength with No Equipment by Al Kavadlo

Quantum Strength Fitness II (Gaining the Winning Edge) by Pat O’Shea

Rainwater Collection for the Mechanically Challenged by
Suzy Banks & Richard Heinichen

Raising the Bar The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics
by Al Kavadlo

Regaining the Power of Youth at Any Age by Kenneth H. Cooper

Relax into Stretch : Instant Flexibility Through Mastering Muscle Tension by Pavel Tsatsouline

Results Fitness by The Nation’s Leading Fitness Pros, Alwyn Cosgrove and Rachel Cosgrove

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains by Pavel Tsatsouline

Ripped by Clarence Bass

Ripped 2 by Clarence Bass

Ripped 3 by Clarence Bass

Run Strong (eBook) by Andrew Read

SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Extreme Fitness: Military Workouts and Fitness Challenges for Maximising Performance by Chris McNab

Science of Martial Arts Training by Charles I. Staley

Scrawny to Brawny: The Complete Guide to Building Muscle the Natural Way by Michael Mejia and John Berardi

Show And Go by Eric Cressey

Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief by Katy Bowman

Special Strength Development For All Sports by Louie Simmons

Speed is What We Need Paperback by Henk Kraaijenhof

Sports health: The complete book of athletic injuries by William Southmayd and Marshall Hoffman

Sports Injury Handbook: Professional Advice for Amateur Athletes by Allan M. Levy and Mark L. Fuerst

Sports Massage for Peak Performance by Greg Pike

Stability, Sport and Performance Movement: Practical Biomechanics and Systematic Training for Movement Efficacy and Injury Prevention by Joanne Elphinston

Starting Strength (2nd edition) by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore

Steve Cotter: The Complete Guide to Kettlebell Lifting by Paul Viele

Strength by Mark Twight/NonProphet

Strength and Conditioning: A Biomechanical Approach by Gavin Moir and Chris Connaboy

Strength Ball Training-2nd Edition by Lorne Goldenberg and Peter Twist

Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier

Strength Training for Young Athletes by William J. Kraemer & Steven J. Fleck

Stretching Your Boundaries: Flexibility Training for Extreme Calisthenic Strength by Al Kavadlo and Elliott Hulse

Strong Curves: A Woman’s Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body by Bret Contreras & Kellie Davis

Strong Enough? Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training by Mark Rippetoe

Strong Medicine: How to Conquer Chronic Disease—And Achieve Your Full Genetic Potential by Dr. Chris Hardy and Marty Gallagher

Super Joints: Russian Longevity Secrets for Pain-Free Movement, Maximum Mobility & Flexible Strength by Pavel Tsatsouline

Super-Strength by Alan Calvert

Supertraining by Yuri Verkhoshansky and Mel Siff

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Symmetry by Frank Zane

Take Charge: Fitness at the Edge of Science by Clarence Bass

Teaching Children Physical Education – 3rd Edition: Becoming a Master Teacher by George Graham

The 30 Day Body Hack by Elaine DiRico

The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

The ABCs (and Fs) of Strength Training: A Simplified System to Access Just About Everything by Dan John

The American Physical Therapy Association Book of Body Maintenance and Repair by Steve Vickery and Marilyn Moffat

The Armor Building Formula: Bodybuilding for Real People (ebook) by Dan John

The Art of Expressing the Human Body by Bruce Lee and John Little

The Big Book of Health and Fitness: A Practical Guide to Diet, Exercise, Healthy Aging, Illness Prevention, and Sexual Well-Being by Philip Maffetone

The Black Prince: My Life in Bodybuilding: Muscle vs. Hustle (Volume 1) by Robby Robinson

The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work by Donna Farhi

The Bodybuilder’s Nutrition Book by Franco Columbo

The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michi Kushi

The Cardio Code – Limitless Cardio-Vascular Health and Performance (eBook) by Kenneth Jay

The Core Performance: The Revolutionary Workout Program to Transform Your Body & Your Life by Mark Verstegen and Pete Williams

The Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates’ Techniques of Physical Conditioning
by Allen Menezes

The Definitive Guide to Battling Ropes: Techniques to Muscle Stabilization and Power Domination by Brad Longazel

The Development of Physical Power by Arthur Saxon

The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning: How to Get Stronger and Tougher–In the Gym and in Life–Using the Training Secrets of the Athletic Elite by Zach Even-Esh

The Endurance Handbook: How to Achieve Athletic Potential, Stay Healthy, and Get the Most Out of Your Body by Philip Maffetone

The Female Body Breakthrough: The Revolutionary Strength-Training Plan for Losing Fat and Getting the Body You Want by Rachel Cosgrove

The Food Combining/Blood Type Diet Solution: A Personalized Diet Plan and Cookbook for Each Blood Type by Dina Khader

The Frozen Shoulder Workbook: Trigger Point Therapy for Overcoming Pain and Regaining Range of Motion by Clair Davies

The IMPACT! Body Plan: Build New Muscle, Flatten Your Belly & Get Your Mind Right! by Todd Durkin

The Key to Might and Muscle by George F. Jowett

The Kettlebell Conditioning System Book (eBook) by Steve Maxwell

The Kettlebell Workout Companion by Dan John

The Lean Advantage by Clarence Bass

The Lean Advantage 2 by Clarence Bass

The Lean Advantage 3 by Clarence Bass

The Lean Body Promise: Burn Away Fat and Release the Leaner, Stronger Body Inside You by Lee Labrada

The Little Capoeira Book by Nestor Capoeira

The M.A.X. Muscle Plan by Brad Schoenfeld

The Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises: Four Weeks to a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular YOU! by Adam Campbell

The Metabolism Advantage: An 8-Week Program to Rev Up Your Body’s Fat-Burning Machine-At Any Age by John Berardi

The Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet to Your Own Unique Body Chemistry by
William Linz Wolcott & Trish Fahey

The Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline

The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide by Patricia Duester

The New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle by Lou Schuler, Alwyn Cosgrove

The New Rules of Lifting Supercharged: Ten All-New Muscle-Building Programs for Men and Women by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove

The Outdoor Athlete by Courtenay Schurman and Doug Schurman

The Outdoor Athlete: Total Training for Outdoor Performance by Steve Ilg

The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet by Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain

The Perfect Man: The Muscular Life and Times of Eugen Sandow, Victorian Strongman by David Waller

The Power of Champions by Phil Kaplan

The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential…in Business and in Life by Leo Babauta

The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy by Mark Sisson

The Purposeful Primitive: Using the Primordial Laws of Fitness to Trigger Inevitable, Lasting and Dramatic Physical Change by Marty Gallagher

The Super-Athletes by David P. Willoughby

Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques by Carol Kisner, Lynn Allen Colby

The Results Fitness Ultimate Fat Loss Programming and Coaching System by Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove

The RKC Book of Strength and Conditioning: 45 Powerful Kettlebell Workouts and Training Programs to Inspire You in Your Quest for Athletic Excellence by The RKC Community, Geoff Neupert & Josh Hillis

The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body by Jill Miller and Kelly Starrett

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge by Pavel Tsatsouline

The Steel Tip Newsletter Collection by Dr. Ken Leistner

The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football by Bill Starr

The Text Book of Weightlifting by Arthur Saxon

The Tools by Phil Stutz

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief, Second Edition by Clair Davies

The Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body by Ori Hofmekler

The Way To Live: In Health and Physical Fitness (Original Version, Restored) by George Hackenschmidt

The Way to Vibrant Health by Alexander Lowen & Leslie Lowen

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferriss and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Total Body Trans-Formation by Steve Ilg

Total Heart Rate Training: Customize and Maximize Your Workout Using a Heart Rate Monitor by Joe Friel

Track & Field Omnibook by John Kenneth Doherty PhD.

Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness: Special Book/DVD Package by Lee E. Brown, Vance A. Ferrigno

Training for Warriors: The Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Workout by Martin Rooney

Training Soccer Champions by Anson Dorrance

Training Young Athletes – The Grasso Method by Brian J. Grasso

Ultimate Athleticism & Program Design Guide by Max Shank (eBook and hardcopy)

Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance by Stuart McGill

Ultimate MMA Conditioning by Joel Jamieson

Ultimate Warrior Workouts (Training for Warriors): Fitness Secrets of the Martial Arts by Martin Rooney

Ultraprevention: The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life by Mark Hyman and Mark Liponis

Untapped Strength: Unlocking the Treasure Chest of Strength Below the Elbow (eBook) by Ross Enamait

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness by Robert Cheeke and Julia Abbott

Warrior Cardio: The Revolutionary Metabolic Training System for Burning Fat, Building Muscle, and Getting Fit by Martin Rooney

Yoga For Athletes by Ryanne Cunningham

Yoga For Dummies by Larry Payne & Georg Feuerstein

YOU: The Owner’s Manual by Mehmet C. Oz, Michael F. Roizen

Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life by Chris Kresser

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky

Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia by John Jesse

Xtreme Training: The Fighter’s Ultimate Fitness Manual by Randy Couture, Lance Freimuth, and Erich Krauss

Zane Nutrition by Frank Zane


Beyond Stretching: The Seminar by Pavel Tsatsouline

Complete Sports Conditioning (5 DVD set) by Michael Boyle

Conditioning Blueprint by Joel Jamieson

Controlled Fatigue Training (CFT) by Defense Nutrition (Ori Hofmekler)

Daily Yoga (5 Practices) by Rodney Yee

Encyclopedia Of Joint Mobility DVD Series for Total Joint, Muscle and Body Fitness, Flexibility and Strength by Steve Maxwell

Enter the Kettlebell! Strength Secret of the Soviet Supermen by Pavel Tsatsouline

Fast & Loose: Secrets of the Russian Champions: Dynamic Relaxation Techniques for Elite Performance by Pavel Tsatsouline

Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait

Functional Strength Coach 6 (2016) by Michael Boyle

General Physical Preparedness-(G.P.P) by Louie Simmons

Hardstyle Abs: Hit Hard. Lift Heavy. Look the Part. by Pavel Tsatsouline

H2H: Kettlebell Circuits by Jeff Martone

Jump Rope Conditioning For Athletes by Ross Enamait

Kettlebell Conditioning for Boxers (2003) by Jeff Martone and Steve Baccarri

Loaded Stretching: The Russian Technique for Instant Extra Strength by Pavel Tsatsouline

Low-Tech High-Effect Sandbag Training by Ross Enamait

Low-Tech High-Effect Core Training by Ross Enamait

More Russian Kettlebell Challenges by Pavel Tsatsouline

Power To The People! Russian Strength Training Secrets For Every American by Pavel Tsatsouline

Relax Into Stretch – Instant Flexibility Through Mastering Muscle Tension  by Pavel Tsatsouline

Resilient: Advanced Kettlebell Drills and Insider Secrets for Playing Harder & Hurting Less by Pavel Tsatsouline

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains by Pavel Tsatsouline

Ripped the DVD, The Second Ripped Video & The Third Ripped DVD-Motivation (total of 3 DVDs) by Clarence Bass

StrongFirst: Foundation of Strength by StrongFirst

Super Joints: Russian longevity Secrets for Pain-Free Movement, Maximum Strength & Flexible Strength by Pavel Tsatsouline

The Naked Warrior, Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong–Using Bodyweight Exercises Only with Pavel by Pavel Tsatsouline

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge by Pavel Tsatsouline

Train with Zane

Audio (CD or Downloads):

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (*Highly Recommend this one!)

Anthony Robbins Power Talk (Achieving Your Ultimate Goal) by Anthony Robbins

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

things i try to live by – Carlton Cullins 2008

1. Don’t sweat the small sh*t. Being overly sensitive to too many things is not good for survival.
2. Find humor in EVERYTHING, particularly the small things. Laugh everyday. Then when that’s done, do it again.
3. In life, try to find some kind of balance with it all…between the many peaks and valleys… everything in moderation.
4. Try to have purpose for the things you do. Don’t just do to do. Anyone can do that. Find good reason. And always keep your eyes on the prize, whatever that may be. Stay focused.
5. Think before you open your mouth. While at the same time, speak up when you really have something to say. But understand that not everyone is going to want to hear what’s on your mind.
6. Don’t be so wasteful. Americans waste too much as it is. What we call poor is rich to most of the rest of the world. Don’t take more than you need of anything and give back what you don’t use whenever possible.
7. Don’t expect anything from anyone. Ever. Learn to be self-reliant. But when you really need help, don’t be afraid to ask. And if someone does help you, then pay them back or pay it forward.
8. Take care of your business. When you play, play hard. When you work, don’t play. Earn your keep.
9. Realize your importance and also your insignificance. One person can truly make a difference but also know that we are all just little organisms on one small planet in one small universe. Again, try to find some kind of balance. Good luck with that.
10. Help people that need help. Any help is better than no help. A world without help is a world without hope.
11. Be kind to others, particularly strangers. And if they’re rude, make sure they know they are or they’ll never see the need to change.
12. However extravagant or humble, be thankful for everything that you have. Every day. In every way. For one day it may all be gone.
13. Power is nothing without passion.
14. Appreciate the things you don’t understand or don’t believe in. Don’t be so quick to judge everything and everyone.
15. Try to think outside the box. Imagination is very powerful and very important. Possibly most important.
16. Always try to go for the Win/Win situation. It doesn’t always have to involve compromise. The best ideas usually come when both parties work together towards an even better idea.
17. Take care of your body. Take care of your mind. Take care of your heart, as well as your emotions. Take care of you spirit. Every day, in every way.
18. When someone helps you, tell them thank you.
19. Don’t let the people you care most about never hear you say that you love them.
20. People make mistakes. We all do. Learn from them. Try to fogive others for their mistakes. Try to forgive yourself for your own.
21. Always shoot for the stars because anything is possible. But also understand that sometimes there really are limitations.
22. There are many roads to the same destination. If one doesn’t work, simply pick another.
23. Learn to have self-control. Do this by getting out in the world. Because life is full of temptation. Every day. In every way. Without self-control, no one stands a chance in hell for the long run.
24. Stay away from negative thoughts and negative people. We are all a product of our environments.
25. Understand that somewhere, within us all, is an unlimited amount of love in our hearts. Everyone will experience pain and suffering. And nothing feels better than true happiness.
26. Understand that if you’re not truly happy in your own life, that no drug, relationship, amount of money, material possession or ANYTHING is ever going to change that. Only you can make that change. But first you have to believe that you can.
27. You can’t please all the people all the time. But you can’t just please yourself all the time either. Again, there has to be balance. And F*ck the haters 🙂
28. If you’re not doing anything about the things you don’t like in the world (or in you own life), then consider yourself part of the problem. Try to be more pro-active.
29. Mind your own damn business. But also never let anyone mind your business better than you.
30. Pride is important. So is confidence. But too much pride and too much self-confidence/ego just makes you another f*cking asshole. Don’t be an asshole. We have entirely too many as it is.
31. Might isn’t necessarily right. But when push comes to shove, you do have to fight. Because chances are, that no one will fight for you if you don’t fight for yourself.
32. Focus on the things that make us all the same, our commonality, rather than the things that make us all different. Respect diversity. When it comes to things such as religion and politics, try to focus on the BIG picture rather than little snapshots. And just agree to disagree. Because one thing is for sure, most will almost always disagree.
33. Take responsibilty for your own actions. Every day, in every way. Cuz chances are, it’s our own fault.
34. When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. Admit it and move on.
35. Don’t live in the past. Don’t obsess over the future. But do consider it and plan accordingly. Try to live for the moment because nothing beyond this moment is for certain. Try to find some kind of balance.
36. Humility is important. But i can’t tell you how or why… some things you just have to learn for yourself.
37. There isn’t much certainty in the world. And religion, in my opinion, is about as far from certainty as one can get. There are many religions, many beliefs. And for the most part, each one uniquely thinks they’re the one that’s right. Some people do good with religion in their lives. Some don’t. But just do what’s best for you, in your own heart, in your own life. Even if it’s not what all the others around you are doing. Besides, chances are, we’re all wrong anyway…unless we’re truly humble.
38. We all have our good sides and our bad sides. Learn to make friends with both. They may be one in the same.
39. Maybe life really isn’t fair. Maybe only the strong really do survive. For the most part, i think both statements are probably true but maybe not in the same way others do. Sometimes things such as this, have many interpretations by many different people. Rarely assume anything… because you might make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.
40. in my mind, truly “smart people” aren’t the one’s with high IQ’s, but the ones that, despite what obstacles they might have to overcome, continuously and deliberately utilize their own abilities to enjoy happiness in their own lives while simultaneously encouraging happiness in others. and do so while doing as little harm as possible. in other words, strive to be happy. the rest will hopefully sort itself out.
41. Honesty is most imortant. But ironically, like Jack said, most people can’t handle the truth. Particularly when it’s something they really don’t want to hear. But in time, the truth always wins. Just hope it’s not after you’re dead and gone. Speak the truth and the truth shall set you free.
42. In life, even fools are right sometimes. I didn’t actually come up with this one. Sir Winston Churchill did. Smart man he was.
43. Regardless of the many differences we have as a species, eventually we ALL must learn to tolerate each other. Eventually, we ALL must learn to live together and get along. All one can do is try. Start today.
44. Pick your battles wisely. Everybody is passionate about something. But always remember as with anything, what goes up must come down. Likewise, with everything, there’s always a price to be paid in the end.
45. Don’t take yourself too serious. Be careful taking anything too serious.
46. Laugh some more. Then laugh again…