Cullins Cullins2017-10-25 17:20:492017-10-25 17:20:49Carlton’s basic “A.M. Flow” to mobilize the spine and the 4 knots (both shoulder sockets+both hip sockets). Lastly, breathing deeply & rhythmically throughout is most important. Breathe in through the nose and out through pursed lips. Cullins Cullins2017-10-09 20:08:552017-10-09 20:08:55New Weekly Health & Fitness Tips! Today I talk some on the topic of Body Image Issues, which we all deal with in some way. It’s a difficult subject, an uncomfortable theme but one that we need to have more conversations about, positive conversations. Everything begins in our mind. Cullins Cullins2017-10-09 19:55:302017-10-09 19:55:30PART 3 of my FREE Health & Fitness series, FOUNDATIONS. This week we need to take the information gathered thus far and assign you to 1 of 3 main paths (Fat Loss, General Health & Fitness, Lean Muscle Gain). You may want or need all 3. For now, you must determine which one needs the most attention and priority. Cullins Cullins2017-09-26 20:09:292017-09-26 20:09:29New Health & Fitness Tips! So i’m doing a Free Video Series on what i consider to be the Essential Elements of Health & Fitness. Until the end of the year, my plan is to release one new video each week covering a fairly wide range of information, doing my best to limit most of the main points to 3 things. Tune in. These videos are free. I’m doing these to help. I know more than anyone how confusing and frustrating diet and exercise stuff is. I’ve worked professionally as a Personal trainer for well over a decade. My hope is to clear up some of the confusion. Take notes, ask questions. I’m always here to help… Cullins Cullins2017-04-04 19:13:482017-04-04 19:13:48New Weekly Health & Fitness Tips! Your health is the foundation that everything in your life is built on. Do not sacrifice it for anything else. It’s very common these days to find those that sacrifice their health for fitness gains and vanity. This can only last for so long without paying a price. If you want to look better, feel better or live longer then take good care of your health first and always. Begin with what I call the “big 3”. #1) Hydration. #2) 30 minutes of brisk, yet relaxed, daily walking. #3) A regular sleep schedule that allows you to get between 7-9 hours of sleep without the aide of drugs and alcohol during the waking hours. Cullins Cullins2017-02-06 17:14:222017-02-06 17:14:22New Weekly Health & Fitness Tips! “No pain, no gain” has always had limitations. You don’t have to be in constant pain to make progress. This week i talk briefly about soreness due to exercise. Some soreness is normal, unavoidable and typical ok. Some is not. Normal soreness should be infrequent and bi-lateral. In other words, if one arm or leg is sore, the other side should be equally sore. This kind of soreness is mostly due to microscopic tears in the muscles, which sounds bad but is actual very normal, due to them having to work against incoming resistance. But there are other kinds of soreness, which affects areas in a way that is not productive and may even be harmful. They may even seem similar to the good kind but are more intense and shouldn’t be frequent, or chronic. Don’t seek out soreness. Instead, gradually disrupt your homeostasis. Too much damage done too often is to be avoided. “Stimulate, don’t annihilate”. Progress can be made without killing yourself in the gym. So my questions is always this, When is it really ok to be really sore on a regular basis? The answer is, it’s not ok. Say what you want, do what you will but trust me, being sore on a regular basis, to the point of altering the way you were meant to move, is almost always gonna be wrong, especially if done intentially. Cullins Cullins2017-01-09 15:27:302017-01-09 15:27:30New Weekly Health & Fitness Video Tipz! This week I demonstrate and describe a short and simple exercise routine that can be done anywhere by most anyone, with very little equipment. Don’t be put off by the fact that it might only take 10 minutes to do the entire workout. Don’t be put off by the fact there are only 3 exercises. I’m not going to go into great detail on this today, but just know that exercise need not be long or include lots of exercises to be effective. All 3 of these exercises will help improve the three big areas that constantly need our attention: Stretching, Strength & Stamina. Do you need to lose body fat? Then focus most of your precious energy on eating better and food prep, sleeping well and managing your stress. Most of us don’t need to exercise hours on end. But yes, we should move every day and eventually work towards 2-3 days of simple strength training each week. There will be much more on all of this in the coming year. In the meanwhile, get to work. Ask for help if you need it. You are in control. Cullins Cullins2016-02-17 14:43:432016-02-17 14:43:43New Health & Fitness Tipz! This week I talk about avoiding injuries when trying to do things we may not yet be ready for. Sounds obvious I know, but trust me it’s not. We all have things we are good at as well as things we need to work on. Unfortunately, especially in group settings, it’s very popular now to throw body awareness and form out the window in the name of competition or a challenge. This is one sure way to get hurt. We must be smarter than that. As a bonus, near the end I demonstrate some “finesse” progressions/alternatives to burpees.