
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cF6jIfWH98&w=560&h=315]

There is little reason to devote any substantial amount of training to move someone beyond the 5 rep range in the Pull Up exercise with one’s bodyweight.

Dont get me wrong, my students can do dozens of reps when requested or lift a substantial amount of added weight if needed, but we rarely do so..

I was requested not long ago in some event to perform 25 pull ups. I performed them almost to h

ip height with no kip and momentum used and I could have gone much further.
In another occasion one of my students performed a chin up in a test with an added 75KG to his body. We never performed ONE REP of weighted chin ups before.So, what shall we do when we achieve a clean, tempo, pronated 5RM Pull Up?
Its time now for further neuromuscular complexity. One direction can be to explore Muscle Ups and from there Gymnastics Ring Sequences, another is to explore the One Arm Chin Up. Those are just two examples, there are numerous other ones we share in our advanced seminars.By working towards these more complex goals, intensity and capacity are guaranteed, but not vise versa!

The problem arises when trainers with little understanding of WHERE TO GO NEXT are the ones responsible for the training process. For them I recommend attending one of our certification course The Ido Portal Method – Upper Body Strength Training where we cover all the basic progressions, technical execution of every element and basic programming for upper body strength.

Dont waste your time running after intensity and volume alone – especially in light of our shoulder girdle’s sophisticated structure.

‘The scapula craves complexity!’

* Photo by Chris Tai Melodista – Odelia working with some Archer Chin Ups

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilNL0H9GdwE&w=420&h=315]

“Retirement from activity promotes death”

“For years the Mighty Atom had pursued these studies, and he had a voluminous knowledge of physical culture, chiropractic, food science and dietetics, chemistry, anatomy, and allied subjects, and had received a certificate as a Doctor of Naturopathy. This complemented his lifelong study of the Mosaic Dietary Code, the Kosher laws.”

he told hecklers to “take a walk” before stepping down from his “pitchman” platform.

“No man has limits, except in his own mind”

“Look up, what do you see? Stars, planets, whirling infinity with no beginning and no end. Enough to make a man lose his mind. My deity was never born and never died. He was, is will be. My god is Space and Time.”

he was the master of “life-force”.

“if you love animals, don’t eat them”

He told the judge, “every time i swung the bat it was a home run!” after defending himself against a nazi clan. “It wasn’t a fight, it was a pleasure”

“I am a peaceable but by no means passive man. i consider mine to be important work. And i am not the kind who will accept abuse.”

“I give you respect. But i do not ask for yours in return. I demand it. If you will not give it to me, i will take it out of your hide”

“By standing still, he had become modern”

“if you can’t do any good, don’t do any harm”

“Most people, if told to close their eyes and meditate, are unable to do so. Their minds wander. The Atom asked them to keep their eyes, open, and imagine that their outsretched arms were fire hoses. They could see of out of them, while directing an unstoppable force of water. This thought process was applied to either arm, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes. He asked them to assume this mental state before initiating physical action of any part of the body, and to practice turning it on and off”

“The Almighty must have put us here for a higher purpose that to accumulate wealth. How many meals can a man eat at one time, how many suits can he wear, how many beds can he sleep in? I figured i might as well do what gave me satisfaction.”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7jQ-KL2Z_o&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKNoj6kN_HI&w=560&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9OBftPMzQw&w=560&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRuq4-_SUCQ&w=560&h=315]

