New Weekly Tipz! This week the message is clear: don’t be afraid to use heavier weight. In broader terms: don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. I see it all too often, people using dumbbells (for example) that are far too easy and light. Of course, there are quite a few others ways to make any exercise more challenging but let’s keep it simple for now. If you can and know how to correctly perform an exercise, with near-perfect form, through a complete pain-free range of motion, then you are ready. How heavy? There is no real wrong answer here. But truth be told, 15+ reps are entirely over-rated for most. Personally, in general, I recommend a weight heavy enough to allow no more than 10 reps, no less than 5 reps. Don’t go too fast, don’t go too slow. In other words, smooth controlled reps. Carry on…